Terms of Service

Session Policies

  • 24-hour notice of cancellation for scheduled appointment is required (except in emergency), you will be charged for the full session.

  • If you are more than 20 min late, you will be charged for the full session.

  • We do not accept 3rd-party scheduling, or trading appointments.

Detoxification Programs

Agreements And Consent For All Massage, Body Treatments, Colonics

If I have an emotional or physical diagnosis or am under the care of a physician, or have been hospitalized or are currently under the care of a psychologist or psychiatrist, I understand that it is required that I attend the detox treatment, colonic, massage, body treatment session only with written permission of my doctor or therapist.

I take responsibility for consulting with a medical doctor prior to participating in any detox treatment, colonic, and/or bodywork at Awareness Studios, LLC.

I assume the risk, by this consent, of any illness or injury during, or after any colonic, detox treatment, any body therapy session, and hereby release Awareness Studios, LLC, and/or any associated practitioner from liability therefore.


Awareness Studios, LLC and their staff are not psychologists, and classes, trainings, and detoxification should in no way be considered substitute for psychological or medical treatment. 

As with any alternative methodology, you should take the time to familiarize yourself with the structure and standards of this practice to avoid assumption and/or misinterpretation of the experience.

Informed Consent Agreement

  • I agree to attend this program in entirety and to be on time for each session.

  • I agree not to take any non-prescription drugs or alcohol within 72 hours of any session.

  • I agree to respect the confidentiality of all participants, all of their remarks and actions, and I agree all such material is private and confidential. 

  • I agree to respect the experience of others and their focus in this program - I will not solicit other programs to participants at any time.

  • Payment is due at the time of service unless other arrangements are made. If you have your “card on file” to make payments, you give consent to be charged for the session, class, course for which you are scheduled (with or without signature).

  • I understand that Awareness Studios, LLC, claim to cure any disorder, illness, toxicity, or any other issue or relationship, psychology, or physicality.

  • I understand this program/course/session/therapy is educational and therapeutic for detoxing the body and self improvement, and not psychotherapy/medical treatment or a substitute for psychotherapy and/or medical treatment. I understand that this program/course/session/therapy can be a life-changing experience. I understand that I may undergo a deep transformation of my life due to realizations and understandings in this program/course/session/therapy. I am prepared to seek support afterwards with regards to this transformation.

  • I assume the risk, by this consent, of any accident of injury to myself or inflicted by me. I take responsibility for consulting with a medical doctor prior to participating in the program/course/session concerning any known or potential physical or mental condition, for the purpose of getting medical permission to participate. and hereby release Awareness Studios, LLC, any associated staff or teachers from liability therefore.

  • I hereby authorize the staff members of Awareness Studios, LLC, to take any reasonable step on my behalf in the case of accident, injury or illness, including but not limited to emergency first aid; doctor; nurse; or ambulance services, etc. I agree to be liable for the cost of any such action taken on my behalf, and hereby release Awareness Studios, LLC any associated staff or teachers from liability therefore.

 Copyright And Media Agreements

I am aware and agree that all parts of this program/course curriculum, and the materials (including audio and video) of this program/course are protected by copyright and cannot be reproduced, distributed, copied, or otherwise duplicated or used without the express written permission of the copywriter: Awareness Studios, LLC.

I agree that I may be audio or video recorded in this program for the purpose of receiving this audio or video after the program/class for the purpose of continued learning for myself and others.

Liability Release For All Activities

As a consideration for being permitted by Awareness Studios, LLC, to participate in these activities and use their facilities, I hereby agree that I, my assignees, heirs, distributes, guardians, and legal representatives will not make claim against, sue, or attach the property of its affiliates, owners, employees, agents, volunteers, or sub-contractors or any of its affiliated organizations for injury or damage resulting from acts, howsoever caused, as a result of my participation in this event or series of sessions. I hereby release the Awareness Studios, LLC,  from all actions, claims or demands, that I, my heirs, my assigns, distributes, guardians and any legal representatives now have or hereafter have from all actions for injury or damage resulting from my participation in this event or session.