Bars (Energizing Brain Massage)

Access Bars is a relaxing process that has helped many individuals improve various aspects of their life and well-being, including stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, health, weight, relationships, and more. The process involves lightly touching 32 points on the head known as "The Bars," which store thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and considerations. Activating these points releases limitations stored from different lifetimes and helps reduce stress, pain, and trauma while promoting a positive attitude towards life.

The Bars work by slowing down brain waves, allowing access to ingrained behavioral patterns and beliefs. This shift from attentive to relaxed mode supports brain optimization, concentration, and emotional stability. The process leads to the release of solidified judgments and decisions that restrict change in various life areas.

Benefits of Access Bars include stress reduction, improved sleep, reduced mind chatter, trauma release, decreased negative thought patterns, enhanced well-being, and increased inner peace and happiness.

Bars Sessions

60 Minutes: $100

To schedule: email or call 404-257-1257.