The Bridge of Hope Class | Recording


The Bridge of Hope Class | Recording


In this class, you will learn and study your life through watching the work with a group of students live. The zoom video on your side will be turned off. It is an opportunity to study deeply in listening.

This is an experimental learning class focused on how to prepare on the inside for the Death and Rebirth of these Covid19 times. This is a class is designed to help us NAVIGATE these deep energies for each of us and all of us together as a collective.

  • How can we identify how Spirit is growing us in the release of the old and opening to the new inside?

  • How can we recognize and be in deep acceptance of the identities that are dying ?

  • How do we add believing in developing deeper, aligned, identities emerging in the rebirth?

  • Many other questions as they emerge…

Many people have been in quarantine for 2+ months and the landscape has changed week to week as we have been learning together. There are four planets that are in retrograde in this month, so there are a lot of energies at play cosmically and collectively. All of us benefit from deeper understanding and perspective that Apollonia offers from her listening . Let’s rebirth together where we are all connected in this beautiful world of listening.

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In Preparation: Listen to the guided meditation from Apollonia called the “Bridge of Hope” as many times as possible and note the discoveries. You can listen first thing in the morning, or before sleeping, or in restless moments. Experiment with it all. We are grateful to keep walking step by step in these challenging times with Apollonia’s guidance across the bridge to another paradigm calling all the light bearers to stand together.

“ Imagine you are about the cross a faith bridge and you know you're a light bearer and there's this amazing, amazing heart fulfilled destiny ahead. You can't quite know what the path is, but it's radiant on the other side.”

~ Apollonia , Bridge of Hope Meditation